How to reset/clear file Input How to reset/clear file Input vue.js vue.js

How to reset/clear file Input

You can use ref for reset file uploader value.


codepen -

I tried several suggestions I found on Stackoverflow, but in my project there were several errors.What solved my problem was:

<input type="file" ref="inputFile"/>this.$refs.inputFile.reset();

This code above resets the field values.

To reset the input, I let vue rerender it. Just add a key to the input and change the value of the key whenever you want the file input to be cleared.

Like so: = new Vue({  el: '#app',  data: {    fileInputKey: 0  },  methods:{    inputChange() {      console.log('files chosen');    },    clear() {        this.fileInputKey++;    }  }});
<script src=""></script><div id="app">  <input type="file" @change="inputChange($event)" :key="fileInputKey"/>  <button @click="clear">Clear</button></div>