How to run nuxt.js in real service? How to run nuxt.js in real service? vue.js vue.js

How to run nuxt.js in real service?

you just need to start your app like that:

pm2 start npm --name "your-project-name" -- start

Check the status:

pm2 status

and after you can restart / stop:

pm2 restart your-project-namepm2 stop your-project-name


  • node.js installed on web server
  • nginx installed and configured on web server
  • pm2 installed and configured on web server


  1. Add to your universal Nuxt app for serving it though PM2 is a file called ecosystem.config.js. Create a new file with that name in your root project directory and add the following content:

     module.exports = {   apps: [     {       name: 'project-name',       exec_mode: 'cluster',       instances: 'max', // Or a number of instances       script: './node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt.js',       args: 'start'     }   ] }
  2. Connect to your linux server via FTP (FileZilla or etc..)Send the blue files I marked to the server.(you don't need to upload node_modues, .nuxt, dist, .git, .idea, etc... folders)

    enter image description here

  3. Connect server via ssh console, (windows : putty)and go to projects folder that you uploaded files.

     cd / cd var/www/project-name
  4. Install node_modules folder by;

     npm install
  5. Execute nuxt build and create .nuxt folder by;

     npm run build
  6. Finally, ready to start starts pm2 server by;

     pm2 start