How to sort dates in table using vue.js How to sort dates in table using vue.js vue.js vue.js

How to sort dates in table using vue.js

I solved this by making a TableHeader component it says semantic cause i used semantic-ui... sorry for the spanglish in the code, must of 'em are cognates anyway. Also, this code is working, but if you see improvements to the code/answer let me know please!

As you can see, i really don't sort at front... i make a new request with the sorted items.

<template>    <th @click="cycleSort(sth, $event)">        <span><span>{{ sth.texto }}  </span><i class="icon" :class="sth.icon"></i><sub v-if="sth.posicion > 0"><small>{{ sth.posicion }}</small></sub></span>    </th></template><script>export default {  name: "SemanticTableHeader",  props: {      sth : {          type : Object,          default: () => {}      },      sths : {          type : Array,          default: () => { return [] }      },      filtrosOrder : {          type : Array,          default: () => { return [] }      },      isSearching : {          type : Boolean,          required : true      }  },  methods: {      cycleSort(sth, event) {          if(this.isSearching == true){              return false;          }          switch (sth.direction) {              case null:              sth.direction = 'asc';              sth.icon = 'sort ascending';              break;              case 'asc':              sth.direction = 'desc';              sth.icon = 'sort descending';              break;              case 'desc':              sth.direction = null;              sth.icon = 'sort disabled';              break;              default:              sth.direction = null;              sth.icon = 'sort disabled';          }        this.manejaCambioHeader(sth);      },      manejaCambioHeader: _.debounce(function (sth) {          var self = this;          console.log(this.filtrosOrder);          let auxUser = _.find(this.filtrosOrder, function(o) { return ==; });          if( auxUser != null ){              auxUser.direction = sth.direction;              if(auxUser.direction == null){                  for (var i=0 ; i < this.filtrosOrder.length ; i++){                      if (this.filtrosOrder[i].id === {                          let auxSths =  _.find(self.sths, function(o) { return ==; });                          auxSths.posicion = 0;                          this.filtrosOrder.splice(i, 1);                      }                  }              }          }else{              this.filtrosOrder.push({ id:, direction: sth.direction });          }          for (var i=0 ; i < self.filtrosOrder.length; i++){              let auxSths =  _.find(this.sths, function(o) { return == self.filtrosOrder[i].id; });              auxSths.posicion = i + 1;          }          console.log(this.filtrosOrder);          this.$emit('sortHeaderChanged', sth);    }, 400),  },}</script><style lang="css" scoped>th span{    cursor: pointer !important;    -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */    -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */    -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */    -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */    -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */    user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently supported by Chrome and Opera */}i.icon{    margin: 0em -0.2em 0em 0em;}</style>

In my Index views i just load the component and use it like this

<template>    <table>        <thead>            <tr>                <semantic-table-header v-for="sth in sths" :key="sth.key"                :sth="sth"                :sths="sths"                :isSearching="isSearching"                :filtrosOrder="filtros.orderBy"                @sortHeaderChanged="fetchIndex"                ></semantic-table-header>                <th></th>            </tr>        </thead>        <tbody>            <tr v-for="contact in contacts" :key="contact.key" :class="[contact.justAdded ? 'justAdded' : '']">            </tr>        </tbody>    </table></template>export default {    name: "ContactsIndex",    data:() => ({        filtros:{            orderBy:[                {   id: 'nombre',   direction: 'asc'    } // orderBy is calculated through the headers component            ]        },        sths:[            {   id: 'nombre',       texto: 'Nombre',                icon: 'sort ascending',     direction: 'asc',   posicion: 1 },            {   id: 'telefonos',    texto: 'Teléfono(s)',           icon: 'sort disabled',      direction: null,    posicion: 0 },            {   id: 'emails',       texto: 'Correo Electrónico(s)', icon: 'sort disabled',      direction: null,    posicion: 0 },            {   id: 'estatus',      texto: 'Estatus',               icon: 'sort disabled',      direction: null,    posicion: 0 }        ],        contacts: [],    }),    created() {        this.fetchIndex();    },    methods: {        resetFilters() {            // this function is to reset filters and headers            Object.assign(this.$data.filtros, this.$;            this.$data.sths =  this.$;            this.fetchIndex();        },        fetchIndex() {            let self = this;            // this is a wrapper i made for an axios post call you can replace it with a normal call            singleIndexRequest('/api/v1/contacts/index', self).then(response => {                self.contacts =;            });        },    }}