How to test CSS Framework custom components with vue-test-utils How to test CSS Framework custom components with vue-test-utils vue.js vue.js

How to test CSS Framework custom components with vue-test-utils

I hope this will help a bit. I realised that when stubbed, a component's name change and -stub is added at the end.

So if you stub b-input it will be called b-input-stub when using:

const wrapper = shallowMount(BInputPractice, { stubs: ['b-input'] })

I don't thing you need to use localView and stubs at the same time. Also you can use the setData(data) to set the data of a component.

expect(wrapper.find('b-input-stub').exists()).toBeTruthy() wrapper.setData({ name: 'a name' })expect('a name')

Here the trigger('input') does not need to be launched because you didn't specify something to do @input.native in the b-input like in the template:

<b-input @input.native="updateName" v-model="name"> </b-input>

And inside the export default in your script.

methods: {    updateName: function () {      this.$emit('nameUpdate',    }  }

However to set and validate the value of custom components like b-input, I would refer to vuejs/vue-test-utils.