How to update state in a component when the value changed at vuex store? How to update state in a component when the value changed at vuex store? vue.js vue.js

How to update state in a component when the value changed at vuex store?

The code is setting

store.showPromptMsg = false;

I expect you want

state.showPromptMsg = false;

In your NotificationBarComponent.vue template:

<div>    <div class="text-center" >       <strong> {{ message }} </strong>    </div></div>

In your NotificationBarComponent.vue component definition add a prop to pass custom message to display and on mounted start the timeout to hide the notification:

export.default {    props: ['message'],    mounted() {        window.setTimeout(() => {            this.$store.commit('handleMessageState', false)        }, 3000);    }   };

in your store create a property to manage the notification display isNotificationBarDisplayed: false

handleMessageState(state, payload) {    state.isNotificationBarDisplayed = payload;}

anywhere you want to use it:

<notification-bar-component v-show="isNotificationBarDisplayed" message="Some message here"></notification-bar-component>computed: {    isNotificationBarDisplayed () {        return this.$store.state.isNotificationBarDisplayed;    },}