How to use Leaflet Fullscreen in Vue2Leaflet How to use Leaflet Fullscreen in Vue2Leaflet vue.js vue.js

How to use Leaflet Fullscreen in Vue2Leaflet

You need to access the map object with this.$refs.mymap.mapObject and add the control in the mounted hook.

First add a ref attribute to the <l-map /> element:

<l-map :zoom="zoom" :center="center" ref="mymap">  ...</l-map>

Then add the control in the mounted hook:

mounted() {  const map = this.$refs.mymap.mapObject;  map.addControl(new L.Control.Fullscreen());}

See this Fiddle

If you are using webpack, it's a bit different:

1) Install with npm install leaflet-fullscreen --save

2) Import the js and css files in your main.js file (app entry point) or use <script> in index.html:

import 'leaflet-fullscreen/dist/leaflet.fullscreen.css';import 'leaflet-fullscreen/dist/Leaflet.fullscreen';

3) In your component, use window.L instead of L:

mounted() {  const map = this.$refs.mymap.mapObject;  map.addControl(new window.L.Control.Fullscreen());}

For those using Nuxt with vue2-leaflet (and don't want to use a plugin but instead import it locally for performance reasons), this is how you can do it:

npm install leaflet-fullscreen

Require the needed files, create a method that runs when the map loads.

         <l-map                @ready="LoadFullscreen()"                ref="myMap"              >                <script>let LMap,  LTileLayer,  LMarker,  LPopup,  LIcon,  LControlAttribution,  LControlZoom,if (process.client) {  require("leaflet");  ({    LMap,    LTileLayer,    LMarker,    LPopup,    LIcon,    LControlAttribution,    LControlZoom,  } = require("vue2-leaflet/dist/vue2-leaflet.min"));  require("leaflet-fullscreen/dist/leaflet.fullscreen.css");  require("leaflet-fullscreen/dist/Leaflet.fullscreen");}import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css";

... export defaults etc... set your components

methods: {LoadFullscreen() {  if (!process.server) {    const map = this.$refs.listingsMap.mapObject;    map.addControl(      new window.L.Control.Fullscreen({        position: "topright",      })    );  }},
