How to use props in <script setup> in vue3 How to use props in <script setup> in vue3 vue.js vue.js

How to use props in <script setup> in vue3

To use props with <script setup> you need to call defineProps() with the component prop options as the argument, this defines the props on the component instance and returns a reactive object with the props which you can use as follows:

<template>  <TopNavbar title="room" />  <div>    {{ no }}  </div></template><script setup>import TopNavbar from "@/layout/TopNavbar.vue";import { defineProps, reactive } from "vue";const props = defineProps({  no: String,});const { no } = toRefs(props);const state = reactive({  room: {},});const init = async () => {  const { data } = await getRoomByNo(no.value);  console.log(data);};init();</script>

If you are using typescript the alternative way to do this is pass a type only declaration and infer the prop types from that. Pro's are that you'll get stricter type safety but you cannot have default values.

<template>  <TopNavbar title="room" />  <div>    {{ no }}  </div></template><script setup>import TopNavbar from "@/layout/TopNavbar.vue";import { defineProps, reactive } from "vue";const props = defineProps<{  no: string,}>();const { no } = toRefs(props);const state = reactive({  room: {},});const init = async () => {  const { data } = await getRoomByNo(no.value);  console.log(data);};init();</script>


Defaults with type only props are now possible:

interface Props {  msg?: string}const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {  msg: 'hello'})

As per the ongoing RFC, the setup tag can have a string following where you can define which context you wish to have, like so:

<script setup="props, { emit }">import { watchEffect } from 'vue';watchEffect(() => console.log(props.msg));emit('foo');</script>

These are the same arguments that the setup() method receives.

I read "Newscript setup" and found the answer

first,use variable save defineProps

const props = defineProps({  no: String})

then use it

const init = async () => {  console.log(;}

this is all code:

<template>  <TopNavbar title="room" />  <div>    {{ no }}  </div></template><script setup>import TopNavbar from '@/layout/TopNavbar.vue'import { defineProps, reactive, useContext } from 'vue'const props = defineProps({  no: String})const state = reactive({  room: {}})const init = async () => {  console.log(;}init()</script><style></style>