How to use stylus to access javascript variables in vue file? How to use stylus to access javascript variables in vue file? vue.js vue.js

How to use stylus to access javascript variables in vue file?

I know this is not an answer to 'this' question (I wanted to comment) but I will try to give an alternate solution.

Stylus supports a built-in function json(path[, options]), which means you can put all variables into a JSON file and supply them both to your JS files as well as Stylus files.

You cannot access stylus variable using JS and you probably won't be able to do that unless you find some sort of build-time libraries that would convert specified js file/variable into stylus variables.

You could use CSS custom properties to achieve that.

Bind stylus variables with them and just handle changes on JavaScript.

<script>  export default {    data () {      return {        theme: { background: '#ff0000' }      };    },    watch: {      'theme.background': { immediate: true, handler: 'applyVariables' }    },    methods: {      applyVariables () {        const scope = document.documentElement.styles;        scope['--theme-background'] = this.theme.background;      }    }  };</script><style lang="stylus">  theme-background = var(--theme-background, #ff054a);  // The first argument is variable name and second is placeholder value.  .theme-button    background-color: theme-background</style>

CSS Custom Properties reference on MDN