How to vuetify page transition? How to vuetify page transition? vue.js vue.js

How to vuetify page transition?

The Vuetify transitions as you have them only work on the Vuetify library components. e.g. <v-menu transition="slide-x-transition"> where v-menu is one of the components. You can't use the transitions that way on a simple <div>.

However, Vue.js itself supports transitions using the following format.

<transition name="slide">    <div> element you are apply the transition to</div></transition>

You will have to define the css for the transition as per the documentation here. or you can use a css library like Animate.css

Example css from documentation:

.slide-fade-enter-active {   transition: all .3s ease;}.slide-fade-leave-active {   transition: all .8s cubic-bezier(1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0);}.slide-fade-enter, .slide-fade-leave-to {   transform: translateX(10px);   opacity: 0;}

In case someone needs to know how to use VuetifyJS transitions with router-view :

<v-main>  <v-container fill-height>    <v-slide-x-transition mode="out-in">      <router-view />    </v-slide-x-transition>  </v-container></v-main>

You can use Vuejs transition For changing components instead of vuetify transitions look at the following example:

<transition name="slide-in-down" appear appear-active-class="animated slideInDown">    <div> element you are apply the transition to</div></transition>