IE11 + Vue-Cli + Webpack + Babel - SCRIPT1003 Error IE11 + Vue-Cli + Webpack + Babel - SCRIPT1003 Error vue.js vue.js

IE11 + Vue-Cli + Webpack + Babel - SCRIPT1003 Error

You are getting this error, most likely, because somewhere in your code you've written an object literal with a shorthand property.

The most likely culprit would when passing the Vuex store in the constructor for your main Vue instance:

new Vue({  el: '#app',  store,  // ...});

IE11 doesn't support shorthand properties, so it's letting you know it's expecting the : needed to define the property value:

new Vue({  el: '#app',  store: store,  // ...})

Got an answer from Vue.js forum:

The problem was that had added vCardMedia in a component:

components : { vCardMedia}

Once I removed it everything works with babel included. Still not sure why the component is breaking it though...