Insert named slot inside v-for loop vuejs Insert named slot inside v-for loop vuejs vue.js vue.js

Insert named slot inside v-for loop vuejs

Slot names have to be unique. If you want to create slots inside a loop, you can add a number to the slot name, e.g.:

<div v-for="num in nums" :key="num">    <slot :name="'foo_' + num"></slot></div>

And then use them like this:

<foo-component :nums="3">    <template slot="foo_1">        <span>Inside the foo component slot 1</span>    </template>    <template slot="foo_2">        <span>Inside the foo component slot 2</span>    </template>    <template slot="foo_3">        <span>Inside the foo component slot 3</span>    </template></foo-component>