Is there a proper way of resetting a component's initial data in vuejs? Is there a proper way of resetting a component's initial data in vuejs? vue.js vue.js

Is there a proper way of resetting a component's initial data in vuejs?

  1. extract the initial data into a function outside of the component
  2. use that function to set the initial data in the component
  3. re-use that function to reset the state when needed.

// outside of the component:function initialState (){  return {    modalBodyDisplay: 'getUserInput',     submitButtonText: 'Lookup',     addressToConfirm: null,    bestViewedByTheseBounds: null,    location:{      name: null,      address: null,      position: null    }  }}//inside of the component:data: function (){    return initialState();} methods:{    resetWindow: function (){        Object.assign(this.$data, initialState());    }}