Is there way to inherit templates with mixins in VueJS Is there way to inherit templates with mixins in VueJS vue.js vue.js

Is there way to inherit templates with mixins in VueJS

After years, I can imagine a elegant solution, and maybe it could be more elegant using classes, typescript or an annotation that create the component super in the mixin, but for now, the problem is partial solved.

GreetingMixin = {  data() {    return {      greeting: 'Hello',    };  },  provide() { return {child: this}},  components: {    super: {      inject: ['child'],      template: '<div class="blue">{{ child.greeting }} <strong><slot /></strong></div>',    }  },}// This should be <div class="blue">Hello <strong>World!</strong></div>Vue.component('welcomeWorld', {  mixins: [GreetingMixin],  template: '<super>World!</super>',});// This should be <div class="blue">Hi <strong><i>ali</i></strong></div>Vue.component('welcomeName', {  mixins: [GreetingMixin],  props: ["name"],  created() { this.greeting = "Hi" },  template: '<super><i>{{ name }}</i></super>',});// This should be <h1><div class="blue">Hello <strong>World</strong></div></h1>Vue.component('welcomeH1', {  mixins: [GreetingMixin],  props: ["name"],  template: '<h1><super>{{ name }}</super></h1>',});var vm = new Vue({  el: '#app'});
.blue {color: blue}
<script src=""></script><div id="app">  <welcome-world></welcome-world>  <welcome-name name="Ali"></welcome-name>  <welcome-h1 name="Ali"></welcome-h1></div>