Keep-alive on a single route instaead of all routes in router-view Keep-alive on a single route instaead of all routes in router-view vue.js vue.js

Keep-alive on a single route instaead of all routes in router-view

New in Vue version 2.1.0, the include and exclude props for conditionally caching components. Note the use of the name option.

const Foo = {    name: 'foo',  template: '<div><p v-for="n in numbers">{{ n }}</p></div>',  data: function() {    return {        numbers: [Math.round(Math.random() * 10), Math.round(Math.random() * 10)]    }  }}const Bar = {    name: 'bar',    template: '<div><p v-for="n in numbers"><strong>{{ n }}</strong></p></div>',  data: function() {    return {        numbers: [Math.round(Math.random() * 10), Math.round(Math.random() * 10)]    }  }}