Nginx configuration for multiple static sites on same server instance Nginx configuration for multiple static sites on same server instance vue.js vue.js

Nginx configuration for multiple static sites on same server instance

The pathname of the requested file is constructed by concatenating the value of root directive with the URI. So you can only use root with subfolders if (for example) second_path and second_folder is actually the same name. See this document for details.

For example:

location /foo {    root /path/to/root;}

The URI /foo/index.html is located at /path/to/root/foo/index.html

Where second_path and second_folder are different names, you will need to use the alias directive. See this document for details.

For example:

location /foo {    alias /path/to/root/bar;}

The URI /foo/index.html is located at /path/to/root/bar/index.html