NuxtJS with Babel 7: still have spread operator in built files NuxtJS with Babel 7: still have spread operator in built files vue.js vue.js

NuxtJS with Babel 7: still have spread operator in built files

I ran into a similar issue: A Nuxt app wouldn't work in the Edge browser because of spread operators in @nuxtjs/axios and bootstrap-vue. I did find a solution.

The build property in nuxt.config.js should be defined as follows:

build: {    babel: {      babelrc: true,      configFile: './babel.config.js'    },    transpile: [ '@nuxtjs/axios', 'bootstrap-vue' ],    // Other config}

The transpile property is key here. Internally, Nuxt defines an exclude for babel-loader that ignores everything in node_modules, unless it's in transpile.

Using babel.config.js also appears to matter, and the official Babel documentation says you should use it if you want to process node_modules.


module.exports = function (api) {    api.cache(true);    return {        sourceType: 'unambiguous',        presets: ['@nuxt/babel-preset-app'],        plugins: ['@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread']    };}

You don't need include or exclude here, as it's taken care of by Nuxt, as noted.