Parsing Included Associations from JSON API response - Rails API, AMS, Vue.js SPA Parsing Included Associations from JSON API response - Rails API, AMS, Vue.js SPA vue.js vue.js

Parsing Included Associations from JSON API response - Rails API, AMS, Vue.js SPA

You can parsing a response object manually:

// User response from server:const user = {  "id": "1",  "type": "users",  "attributes": {    "name": "John Doe"  },  "included": [    {      "id": "2",      "type": "roles",      "attributes": {        "name": "Admin"      }    }  ]};// Manually parsing a User response; //; // John Doeuser.included.filter(obj => obj.type === 'roles')[0]; // Admin

Or, you can use JSONAPI Suite:

first you should fix your serializer

your relation has_many :children it's wrong you should fix it with has many :childrens

because you has many childrens not children!!!

second you can change include relations and change show defination

def show  area = Area.friendly.find(params[:id])  render jsonapi: area, include: %w(childrens, parent)end

probably it's work!!!