Pass data to a directive? Pass data to a directive? vue.js vue.js

Pass data to a directive?

The value is a regular JavaScript expression. This way, if you want to pass a string, say 'test', use:



Vue.directive('my-directive', function (el, binding) {  console.log('directive expression:', binding.value)  // => "test"})new Vue({  el: '#app',  data: {    message: 'Hello Vue.js!'  }})
<script src=""></script><div id="app">  <p>{{ message }}</p>  <div v-my-directive="'test'"></div></div>

You have to quote the string, otherwise it will look for the test variable in your component context (its props or data):


Inside your custom directive, you can access the passed value as in the binding.value:

Vue.directive('demo', {  bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {    var s = JSON.stringify    el.innerHTML =      'name: '       + s( + '<br>' +      'value: '      + s(binding.value) + '<br>' +      'expression: ' + s(binding.expression) + '<br>' +      'argument: '   + s(binding.arg) + '<br>' +      'modifiers: '  + s(binding.modifiers) + '<br>' +      'vnode keys: ' + Object.keys(vnode).join(', ')  }})

See the Custom Directives chapter of the guide.