Prevent event bubbling in Vue Prevent event bubbling in Vue vue.js vue.js

Prevent event bubbling in Vue

I found that using the 'stop' event modifier on the child element worked for

<div id="app">  <div id="largeArea" @click="do_X">    <button @click.stop="do_Y">Button</button>  </div></div>

From the documentation, use the self event modifier to only capture events originating on the element itself.

<div id="largeArea" v-on:click.self="do_X">

new Vue({  el: '#app',  methods: {    do_X () {      console.log(, 'do_X')    }  }})
#largeArea {  padding: 20px;  border: 1px solid black;}
<script src=""></script><div id="app">  <div id="largeArea" @click.self="do_X">    <button>Button</button>  </div></div>