Sharing common CSS across VueJS components Sharing common CSS across VueJS components vue.js vue.js

Sharing common CSS across VueJS components

Vue makes this easy.


To use shared styles in a component you can do this.


<template></template><script></script><style lang="scss" scoped>  @import '@/scss/shared-styles.scss';  @import 'styles.scss'; // this is the regular CSS used just by the component</style>


You can also import the shared CSS files in the component CSS file instead like below.


<template></template><script></script><style lang="scss" scoped>  @import 'styles.scss';</style>


@import '@/scss/shared-styles.scss'// rest of your component CSS

Automatically import global styles

If you want certain styles to be available in ALL your components you can do this.


module.exports = {  ...  css: {    loaderOptions: {      sass: {        prependData: `          @import "@/scss/global.scss";        `      },    },  },}

I just found out the scoped style also affect on the child components as well.

Therefore, I found the solution, not sure is it the best practice but I feel very nice for it.

Create a WrapperComponent and I put the scoped style here and a small template.

<template>    <div>        <slot></slot>    </div></template><style lang="scss" scoped>    /* css style that will apply to all children */</style>

What happen here is that, when we wrap whatever components with this WrapperComponent, the template will pass on the HTML via slot without any modification and style will be able to apply from now on.

In mixins, I import this wrapper and wrap the component template with the WrapperComponent. Here is the example.

import WrapperComponent from './WrapperComponent'let MyMixins = {    template: `<wrapper-component>        <div>            Whatever HTML code here        </div>    </wrapper-component>`,    components: {        WrapperComponent,    },};

When we use this mixins or a child component, the style from WrapperComponent will be automatically applied and also can be used with other groups of components those want to use the same parent style.

Perhaps use modules instead of setting up a style section with a scoped attribute.

This way your CSS will still be scoped and not part of your global styling.