Testing with `Created` hook with `vue-test-utils` and `jest` Testing with `Created` hook with `vue-test-utils` and `jest` vue.js vue.js

Testing with `Created` hook with `vue-test-utils` and `jest`

Because your method is called on created, it is run before you are setting the mock. Therefore, your test will fail.
You have to replace the method with the mock on initialization (in your case, on shallowMount):

describe('Xyz', () => {  it('should call doSomething() when created', () => {    const doSomething = jest.fn()    wrapper = shallowMount(Xyz, {      localvue,      methods: { doSomething }    });    expect(doSomething).toHaveBeenCalled();  });});

Sidenote: you're not declaring cmp. At the start of your test, you should have a let cmp;

A very similar discussion here. Above the linked comment there's a method to mock properties of most Vue component lifecycle hooks.

The methods option was deprecated in v1 of @vue/test-utils, so the accepted answer no longer works. I ran into this issue myself and decided to dig into the source to figure out how I could test this.

It looks like Vue actually stores all the hooks in the $options property. Each hook has an option that is an array of functions. It is important to note that a context is not bound to said functions, so you will need to use call or apply to execute them.

vm.$options.created.forEach(hook => {  hook.call(vm);});

It's possible to call hooks when we need in our tests. For example if we need to mock some data before calling a hook.

import App from '@/App.vue';// in testApp.created.call(wrapper.vm);

Also in Typescript if we use vue-property-decorator it changes the shape of component, so needs to be done like this:
