Unable to pass arguments to button methods in jasmine using vue and moment Unable to pass arguments to button methods in jasmine using vue and moment vue.js vue.js

Unable to pass arguments to button methods in jasmine using vue and moment

To test whether the date was rendered in the correct format:

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {  propsData: {    // assuming component has `items` prop, used in:    // <p class="date" v-for="data in items"> {{ dateFilter(data.date) }} </p>    items: [      {        id: 100,        date: new Date('2020-12-10T12:30:45-08:00') // 12:30pm GMT-8 === 4:30pm UTC      }    ]  }})const dateEl = wrapper.find('.date') // find first dateElement with `date` classexpect(dateEl.text()).toEqual('16:30 pm')

To test the component method directly, access the method through the wrapper's vm property:

expect(wrapper.vm.dataFilter(new Date('2020-12-10T12:30:45-08:00'))).toEqual('16:30 pm')

You should not use a method there in the first place. You should use a computed property instead

computed: {    dateFilter() {      return moment.unix(this.data.date).utc().format("HH:mm a");    },}

in the template

 <p class="date">      {{ dateFilter }} </p>

Now in the test you can change the value of data.date (I guess you pass it as a prop)

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';import moment from 'moment'const wrapper = mount(YourComponent) it('should call method', () => {      const localThis = { date: <date-here> }      expect(wrapper.computed.numbers.call(localThis)).toBe(<experct-result-here>)   });


To "solve" the problem of iterating elements requiring to pass the argument, the Vue way would be to create a component eg. and put the logic in that. it could take a data props and act like this:

Parent.vue<display-date v-for="(data,index)in allData" :key="data.id||index" :data-prop="data" />

Then inside the display-date component you can use the logic suggested before. Please be aware of the powerful differences between computed properties and methods.

Enjoy coding!