VeeValidate multiple password constraints VeeValidate multiple password constraints vue.js vue.js

VeeValidate multiple password constraints

VeeValidate allows you to display multiple errors fields but you need to disable the fastExist config option first:

VeeValidate only generates one message per field by default as it uses a fast-exit strategy when running the validation pipeline. [...] To disable this behavior you may want to configure the fastExit option in VeeValidate's config or use the continues modifier. (source)

For the rules you want to apply to password, you can use the existing min rule for the minimum length.

For the other rules (check upcase, lowercase, special char and digit), it's about regex check. VeeValidate actually provides a regex rule but in your case you need multiple ones.

So you need to define custom rules. I put some examples in the snippet below in the created hook but you also can define them globally.

In my example, I create a method to return a css class error by checking the errors by rule name.(source)
Now the style is yours.

const config = {  fastExit: false}Vue.use(VeeValidate, config)new Vue({  el: "#app",  data() {    return { password: '' }  },  created() {    this.$validator.extend('upCase', {      getMessage: () => "One uppercase character",      validate: value => value.match(/[A-Z]/g) !== null    })    this.$validator.extend('number', {      getMessage: () => "One number",      validate: value => value.match(/[0-9]/g) !== null    })  },  methods: {    errorClass(rule) {      return {        'error': this.errors.firstByRule('password', rule)      }    }  }})
li {  color: #B1B1B1;}li.error {  color: #262626;}
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="app">  <input type="text" v-validate="'min:8|number|upCase'" name="password" >  <ul>    <li :class="errorClass('upCase')">One uppercase character</li>    <li :class="errorClass('number')">One number</li>    <li :class="errorClass('min')">8 characters minimum</li>  </ul></div>