Vue Components not showing up using passport in laravel 5.3 Vue Components not showing up using passport in laravel 5.3 vue.js vue.js

Vue Components not showing up using passport in laravel 5.3

In your app.js file, import the components immediately below or in place of the example component, but before creating the new Vue object where it gets bound to the DOM.

Don't forget to run gulp as well. :)

I had the same issue with the following resolution with Laravel 5.4:

Find resources/assets/app.js.

  1. put all Vue.component... before new Vue (not after)
  2. in each Vue.component's import, append .default
Vue.component(    'passportclients',    require('./components/passport/Clients.vue').default);Vue.component(    'passportauthorizedclients',    require('./components/passport/AuthorizedClients.vue').default);Vue.component(    'passportpersonalaccesstokens',    require('./components/passport/PersonalAccessTokens.vue').default);

And then run npm run dev again.

I had the same problem and it turned out that this matters:put the code

const app = new Vue({    el: 'body'});

at the END of the app.js file.

That started showing the components on the webpage.