Vue js and VS code - no Intellisense for absolute file path Vue js and VS code - no Intellisense for absolute file path vue.js vue.js

Vue js and VS code - no Intellisense for absolute file path

You 'd be needing a jsconfig.json file for the Intellisense to kick in with webpack aliases. You can check the linked article.

I have setup jsconfig.json in following manner and it works

{  "compilerOptions": {    "paths": {      "@/*": [        "src/*"      ]    }  }}

I could get the eslint to not complain about it by:

  1. install eslint-import-resolver-webpack (dev dependency)

  2. add a webpack.config.js in the root of my project with the content:

    const path = require('path'); // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies

    module.exports = {resolve: {alias: {'@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),},extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],},};

  3. in .eslintrs.js:

    rules: {'import/extensions': ['error','always',{js: 'never',vue: 'never',},],},settings: {'import/resolver': {webpack: {config: 'webpack.config.js',},},},

I still would like to have the Intellisense working, but for now I will continue just doing that. Already lost more time than I should in this problem.