Vue.js and vue-moment: "Failed to resolve filter: moment" Vue.js and vue-moment: "Failed to resolve filter: moment" vue.js vue.js

Vue.js and vue-moment: "Failed to resolve filter: moment"

vue-moment is broken.

You can't use it by just adding it as a <script> tag. Currently it only works if you use compile it with webpack or browserify, see this issue for updates.

It used to work well on the original version:

See the original version working here:

Also, on Fiddle dont link to files in , use this niceworkaround


apparently you don't need to put moment inside a Vue.filter(....) at all.

after you entered Vue.use(VueMoment) in main.js,simply put a filter as shown in their documentation anywhere in your app and it just works


I encountered the same problem, solved it by not using vue filters

this is my workaround, my main.js looks like this:

import Vue from 'vue'import VueMoment from 'vue-moment';Vue.use(VueMoment)

and in the component wherever i need to use moment it looks like this:

//IN METHODS:methods: {    tellTime(time) {      console.log(this.$moment(time).format(' mm:ss'))    }}
<!-- OR IN TEMPLATE -->      {{$moment(timestamp).fromNow()}}

Hope someone else would find it useful :)

I wouldn't suggest doing it the way you are, you should create the date variable in the javascript code and just access the variable in your Vue. Here is a fiddle showing what I mean

var app = new Vue({  el: document.body,  data: {    date: moment().format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY")  }})

and then in the doc body

<span>{{ date }}</span>