Vue Js how to use in mixins in single file template? Vue Js how to use in mixins in single file template? vue.js vue.js

Vue Js how to use in mixins in single file template?

I've made some changes on my files and made it working


    import { default as config } from '../config';    var filters = {        filters: {            useLGLogo( str ) {                if( str ) {                    return config.LG_LOGO + str.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toUpperCase() + '.png';                }            },            useMDLogo( str ) {                if( str ) {                    return config.MD_LOGO + str.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toUpperCase() + '.png';                }            },            useSMLogo( str ) {                if( str ) {                    return config.SM_LOGO + str.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toUpperCase() + '.png';                }            },        }    };export default filters;


import { default as filters } from '../../../mixins/filters';    export default {        mixins: [            filters,        ],        mounted: function() {        }    }