Vue js: Vuetify server side Datatable search filter not working Vue js: Vuetify server side Datatable search filter not working vue.js vue.js

Vue js: Vuetify server side Datatable search filter not working

server side search & sort of datatable in vuetify.js

If we need server side search and sort in vuetify.js datatable, we have to make some changes in vuejs part.

import {environment} from '../../environment';export default {    name: "Category",    data() {        return {            categories: [],            search: '',            total: 0,            loading: false,            pagination: {},            headers: [                {text: 'ID', value: 'id'},                {text: 'Name', value: 'name'},                {text: 'Actions', value: 'name', sortable: false, align: 'center'}            ],            rowsPerPageItems: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100],        }    },    watch: {        pagination {            this.getCategoriesByPagination();        },        search() {            this.getCategoriesByPagination();        }    },    methods: {        getCategoriesByPagination() {            this.loading = true;            // get by search keyword            if ( {                axios.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/category-filter?query=${}&page=${}&per_page=${this.pagination.rowsPerPage}`)                    .then(res => {                        this.categories =;               =;                    })                    .catch(err => console.log(                    .finally(() => this.loading = false);            }            // get by sort option            if (this.pagination.sortBy && ! {                const direction = this.pagination.descending ? 'desc' : 'asc';                axios.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/category-order?direction=${direction}&sortBy=${this.pagination.sortBy}&page=${}&per_page=${this.pagination.rowsPerPage}`)                    .then(res => {                        this.loading = false;                        this.categories =;               =;                    });            } if(! && !this.pagination.sortBy) {                axios.get(`${environment.apiUrl}/category?page=${}&per_page=${this.pagination.rowsPerPage}`)                    .then(res => {                        this.categories =;               =;                    })                    .catch(err => console.log(                    .finally(() => this.loading = false);            }        }    }}

in html part

<v-text-field v-model="search"              append-icon="search"              label="Search"              single-line              hide-details            ></v-text-field><v-data-table :headers="headers"              :items="categories"              :pagination.sync="pagination"              :total-items="total"              :rows-per-page-items="rowsPerPageItems"              :loading="loading"            ></v-data-table>

in Laravel part, i used laravel scout package.


/** * Get category * @return \Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\AnonymousResourceCollection */public function getAll(){    $per_page = empty(request('per_page')) ? 10 : (int)request('per_page');    $categories = Category::latest()->paginate($per_page);    return CategoryResource::collection($categories);}/** * Get category by search results * @return \Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\AnonymousResourceCollection */public function getBySearch(){    $per_page = empty(request('per_page')) ? 10 : (int)request('per_page');    $categories = Category::search(request()->query('query'))->paginate($per_page);    return CategoryResource::collection($categories);}/** * Get category by sorting * @return \Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\AnonymousResourceCollection */public function getByOrder(){    $per_page = empty(request('per_page')) ? 10 : (int)request('per_page');    $direction = request()->query('direction');    $sortBy = request()->query('sortBy');    $categories = Category::orderBy($sortBy, $direction)->paginate($per_page);    return CategoryResource::collection($categories);}


    Route::get('category', 'Api\CategoryController@getAll');    Route::get('category-filter', 'Api\CategoryController@getBySearch');    Route::get('category-order', 'Api\CategoryController@getByOrder');


<?php    namespace App;    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;    use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;    class Category extends Model    {       use Searchable;       /**         * Get the indexable data array for the model.         *         * @return array         */         public function toSearchableArray()         {            return [               'name' => $this->name            ];         }    }

To enable server-side search to work don't pass the search prop to v-data-table. Otherwise the datatable pagination and search are client side even if you pass the "totalItems" prop.

You can pass the search prop but the initial value needs to be null. I tried it first with an empty string and it didn't work, at least in my case.