Vue Konva. Improve performance of rendering multiple circles with animation Vue Konva. Improve performance of rendering multiple circles with animation vue.js vue.js

Vue Konva. Improve performance of rendering multiple circles with animation

You can just use layer, that you already created in your template:

    addPing(e, stage) {      const layer = this.$refs.layer.getNode();      const amplitude = 25;      const period = 500;      let item = new Konva.Circle({        x: e.evt.x,        y: e.evt.y,        radius: 0,        stroke: "red",        strokeWidth: 5      });      layer.add(item);      const anim = new Konva.Animation(frame => {        item.radius(amplitude * Math.sin((frame.time * Math.PI) / 1000));      }, layer);      anim.start();      setTimeout(() => {        item.destroy();        anim.stop();        layer.batchDraw();      }, period);    },

And just for fun, here is @lavrton's answer in plain JS. Run the snippet and wave your mouse over the white canvas. Red circles ensue.

function addPing(e) {  var amplitude = 25,      period = 500;  var item = new Konva.Circle({          x: e.evt.x,          y: e.evt.y,          radius: 0,          stroke: "red",          strokeWidth: 5        });  layer.add(item);  var anim = new Konva.Animation(    function(frame) {      item.radius(amplitude * Math.sin((frame.time * Math.PI) / 1000));    }, layer);  anim.start();  setTimeout(function(){      item.destroy();      anim.stop();      layer.batchDraw();    }, period);}function setup() {// Set up a stage and a shapestage = new Konva.Stage({  container: 'konva-stage',  width: 800,  height: 500});layer = new Konva.Layer();stage.add(layer);stage.draw()stage.on('mousemove', function(e){          addPing(e)  })}var stage, layer;setup()
.konva-stage {  width: 100%;  height: 100%;
<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><div id="konva-stage"></div>