Vue props that aren't explicitly declared Vue props that aren't explicitly declared vue.js vue.js

Vue props that aren't explicitly declared

This is tricky and certainly not supported natively, however you can get the passed attributes from vnode using this.$vnode.elm.attributes and then loop through them and add them to a props object (which does need to be declared upfront). Because you will be processing this yourself I would put this in a mixin so it can be reused, but you can do:

  methods: {    getProps() {      let props = this.$vnode.elm.attributes;      Object.keys(props).forEach(key => {        this.$set(this.props, props[key].name, props[key].nodeValue)      });    }  },  data(){    return{      props: {}    }  }

With this you can then pass unknown props as if you declared them in your component.

I've made a JSFiddle to show you the process:

Here's how you would do this with a mixin:

You can use the $attrs to get anything that isn't recognized as a prop: documentation. Note that the opposite also exists: you can get all the props with $props.

Instead you can pass an object to child as props, and it can have all the properties you want.

It can be like:

<VfField :unknownPropObj=yourObj name="test" />

Where yourObj can be: {"A": "abc", "B": "123"}

So you can define only on prop: unknownPropObj in the child, and access all it's properties