Vue Router History Mode with PWA in Offline Mode Vue Router History Mode with PWA in Offline Mode vue.js vue.js

Vue Router History Mode with PWA in Offline Mode

You need to set the navigateFallback option in your vue.config.js file:

pwa: {  workboxOptions: {    navigateFallback: 'index.html'  }}

It will automatically add the necessary code to your service worker:


I had the same problem and I found the solution here:

If your site is a single page app, you can use a NavigationRoute to return a specific response for all navigation requests.


In my case in vue :


Whenever a user goes to your site in the browser, the request for the page will be a navigation request and will be served the cached page /single-page-app.html.

Note: You should have the page cached via workbox-precaching or through your own installation step).

By default, this will respond to all navigation requests, if you want to restrict it to respond to a subset of URL’s you can use the whitelist and blacklist options to restrict which pages will match this route.

Update: Workbox V5

const handler = workbox.precaching.createHandlerBoundToURL("/index.html");const navigationRoute = new workbox.routing.NavigationRoute(handler);workbox.routing.registerRoute(navigationRoute);