Vuejs 2, VUEX, data-binding when editing data Vuejs 2, VUEX, data-binding when editing data vue.js vue.js

Vuejs 2, VUEX, data-binding when editing data

If you are looking for a non binding solution with vuex you can clone the object and use the local version for v-model than on submit commit it.

in your created lifecycle function do this:

created (){    this.profile = Object.assign({}, this.$store.getters.getUserDetails);},

Why I think it is not working as expected for you: you're receiving an object, binding it to a local property. Then when you change that local property, it's bound by object pointer (/memory address) to the store's object. Creating a new object and setting the properties on that new object based on the properties of the state's user profile object should do the trick, since the new object would have it's own address in memory, would point to another place...


created (){    // create a new object with {...}    this.profile = {        // assign values to properties of same name        firstName: this.$store.getters.getUserDetails.firstName,        lastName: this.$store.getters.getUserDetails.lastName,    };},

However if those properties (firstName, lastName) are objects or arrays (anything accessed by pointer to memory address) then this wouldn't work either.

So... what I'd most likely end up doing myself in this situation is something like this:

data() {    return {        firstName: '',        lastName: ''    }},

This defines local properties. When loading the data, you would populate the local values with profile data you have in the Vuex store.

created() {    let profile = this.$store.getters.getUserDetails;    if (profile.firstName && profile.lastName) {        this.firstName = profile.firstName;        this.lastName = profile.lastName;    }},

Then, when saving, you use your local variables to update the store's values.

methods: {    save() {        let profile = {            firstName: this.firstName,            lastName: this.lastName        };        // ajax call to POST this.profile then        this.$store.commit('setData', {            name: 'userDetails',            data: profile        });    }}

I'm writing this from the top of my head, so there might be a bug or typo in here... But I hope at the very least my logic is correct ;-P and clear to you.

Pro: until you're ready to save the edited information, you're not reflecting it anywhere else.

Con: if you'd need to reflect temporary changes (maybe in a User Profile Preview area), this might or might not work depending on your app's structure. You might want to bind or save on @input to a state.temporaryUserProfile object in that case?

I am still new to Vue.js, started using it 2 weeks ago. Hope this is clear and correct :)

The problem is caused by using v-model with mapGetters - this creates the two-way binding you've described. The simple solution is to use value instead:


This way the form is only changing the local copy of field and not pushing the changes back to the Vuex store.