VueJS - disable space in input text VueJS - disable space in input text vue.js vue.js

VueJS - disable space in input text

You can directly prevent that the user adds a white space to your input field. preventDefault() tells the user agent that the default action should not be taken as it normally would be.

<input"(event) => event.preventDefault()">

Or to make it even shorter (as Sovalina pointed out):

<input> didn't work for me. did.

To prevent spaces on all input events - keypress, paste or drag and drop text:

const removeEventSpaces = e => {  e.preventDefault();  const left    =,;  const right   =,;  const pasted  = (e.dataTransfer || e.clipboardData).getData('text').replace(/ /g, ''); = left + pasted + right;}<input @paste="removeEventSpaces" @drop="removeEventSpaces"/>