Vuejs event modifiers Vuejs event modifiers vue.js vue.js

Vuejs event modifiers

One of the best ways to see how .prevent and .self interact is looking at the output of the Vue compiler:


on: {    "click": function($event){        $event.preventDefault();        if($ !== $event.currentTarget)            return null;        logger($event)    }}


on: {    "click": function($event){        if($ !== $event.currentTarget)            return null;        $event.preventDefault();        logger($event)    }}

The key difference between those 2 code blocks is inside the fact that the order of the operations matters, a .prevent.self will prevent events coming from its children, but doesn't run any code, but a .self.prevent will only cancel events directly created by itself, and ignores child requests completely.


var app = new Vue({  el: '#appp',  data: {log:[]},  methods: {    logger(arg) {      this.log.push(arg);    }  }});
<script src=""></script><div id="appp" style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;">  <form @submit.prevent="logger('form')" style="width: 50%;">    <button>      <p @click.prevent.self="logger('prevent.self')">        prevent.self         <span>(child)</span>      </p>      <p @click.self.prevent="logger('self.prevent')">         self.prevent         <span>(child)</span>      </p>      <p @click.prevent="logger('prevent')">          prevent         <span>(child)</span>      </p>      <p @click.self="logger('self')">          self        <span>(child)</span>      </p>      <p @click="logger('none')">         none         <span>(child)</span>      </p>    </button>  </form>  <pre style="width: 50%;">{{log}}</pre>  </div></div>