VueJs how to make pagination with limiter and range..? VueJs how to make pagination with limiter and range..? vue.js vue.js

VueJs how to make pagination with limiter and range..?

Check out this code:


<ul>    <li v-for="pageNumber in totalPages"         v-if="Math.abs(pageNumber - currentPage) < 3 || pageNumber == totalPages - 1 || pageNumber == 0">    <a href="#" @click="setPage(pageNumber)"         :class="{current: currentPage === pageNumber, last: (pageNumber == totalPages - 1 && Math.abs(pageNumber - currentPage) > 3), first:(pageNumber == 0 && Math.abs(pageNumber - currentPage) > 3)}">       {{ pageNumber+1 }}</a>    </li></ul>


a.first::after {  content:'...'}a.last::before {  content:'...'}

Basically, it only shows pagination that is within 2 pages of the current page. Then it will also show page 1 and the last page, and will put "..." before or after the number with CSS. So if you are on page 10, it will show:

1... 8 9 10 11 12 ...21

I've forked @Jeff's code and make a working version for Vue 2 due to this filter migration

paginate method is moved to computed:

paginate: function() {        if (!this.users || this.users.length != this.users.length) {            return        }        this.resultCount = this.users.length        if (this.currentPage >= this.totalPages) {          this.currentPage = this.totalPages        }        var index = this.currentPage * this.itemsPerPage - this.itemsPerPage        return this.users.slice(index, index + this.itemsPerPage)    }

WARNING: I didn't apply the text filter, just the pagination first.