VueJS pass all props to child component VueJS pass all props to child component vue.js vue.js

VueJS pass all props to child component

Parent component

<template>  <div id="app">    <child-component v-bind="propsToPass"></child-component>  </div></template><script>  import ChildComponent from './components/child-component/child-component'  export default {    name: 'app',    components: {      ChildComponent    },    data () {      return {        propsToPass: {          name: 'John',          last_name: 'Doe',          age: '29',        }      }    }  }</script>

Child Component

<template>  <div>    <p>I am {{name}} {{last_name}} and i am {{age}} old</p>    <another-child v-bind="$props"></another-child> <!-- another child here and we pass all props -->  </div></template><script>  import AnotherChild from "../another-child/another-child";  export default {    components: {AnotherChild},    props: ['name', 'last_name', 'age'],  }</script>

Another Child component inside the above component

<template>    <h1>I am saying it again: I am {{name}} {{last_name}} and i am {{age}} old</h1></template><script>    export default {      props: ['name', 'last_name', 'age']    }</script>

Parent component

You can pass as many props as you want to child component

enter image description here

Child Component

Once you are satisfied with all the props, then you can use v-bind="$props" inside your child component to retrieve all the props.

enter image description here

Final Result:

enter image description here


In Vue 2.6+, in addition to attributes passing,events/listeners can be also passed to child components.

Parent component

<template>    <div>       <Button @click="onClick">Click here</Button>    </div></template><script>import Button from "./Button.vue";export default {    methods:{        onClick(evt) {            // handle click event here        }    }}</script>

Child component


<template>    <button v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">        <slot />    </button></template>

Update [2021-08-14]:

In Vue 3, $listeners will be removed. $attrs will have both listeners and attributes passing to the child component.

Child component


<template>    <button v-bind="$attrs">        <slot />    </button></template>

Migration Guide