VueJS Passing data Through render VueJS Passing data Through render vue.js vue.js

VueJS Passing data Through render

Here is one way.

<div id="app" data-initial-value="125"></div>new Vue({  el: '#app',  render: h => h(App, {    props:{      id: document.querySelector("#app").dataset.initialValue    }  })})

But you don't have to use a render function.

new Vue({  el: '#app',  template:"<app :id='id'></app>",  data:{    id: document.querySelector("#app").dataset.initialValue  },  components:{    App  }})

Also, I'm using querySelector assuming you rendered initialValue (instead of id) to the page as an attribute, but you could just as easily put it somewhere else on the page like a hidden input or something. Really doesn't matter.