Vuejs radio buttons checked if v-model is an array Vuejs radio buttons checked if v-model is an array vue.js vue.js

Vuejs radio buttons checked if v-model is an array

If I don't misunderstood your question and your objective, your doing dynamic forms for multiple persons then try like this


 //n and index used for 0-based looping <div v-for="(n, index) in noOfPersons" :key="index">     Person {{ index + 1 }}     <div class="switch-sex">        <input type="radio" :name="'sex'+(index+1)"  value="male" v-model="persons[index].sex">        <label >Male {{index+1}}</label>     </div>     <div>        <input type="radio" :name="'sex'+(index+1)" value="female" v-model="persons[index].sex">        <label >Female {{index+1}} </label>     </div> </div>

Script (just an example to show its checked)

 data() {    return {        noOfPersons: 2,        persons: [            {name: '', surname: '', sex: 'male'},            {name: '', surname: '', sex: 'female'},        ]    }}

For those using Vuetify.js (it's different approach with v-model on the v-radio-group wrapper)

 <v-radio-group v-model="persons[index].sex" :mandatory="false">     <v-radio label="Male" :value="1" color="blue"></v-radio>     <v-radio label="Female" :value="0" color="blue"></v-radio> </v-radio-group>

Here's the Code Pen

NOTE. It is recommended to use binary (0/1) data like 0 for male or 1 for female or other numbers like 1/2 Database Storage / ISO 5218 or dummy variables. Here's explanation