VueJS / Vuex App - Validate JWT Token USED for Authentication VueJS / Vuex App - Validate JWT Token USED for Authentication vue.js vue.js

VueJS / Vuex App - Validate JWT Token USED for Authentication

I have been wondering the same thing a while ago. What I ended up with is to check the token against your backend on initial loading of your page. If the token is valid you commit it to Vuex, if the token is invalid, you delete everyting from localStorage.

This leads to the outcome where someone hypothetically could replace the token after initial load with their own invalid token, but if the clientside token is already validated, what would be the point? If you want to secure against this scenario as well you could apply the same logic in your navigation guard. So not just check for a token, but validate the token against your backend on each route change and clear localStorage if invalid. I think this will come at a performance disadvantage though due to the extra API call.