Vuetify : throttle / debounce v-autocomplete Vuetify : throttle / debounce v-autocomplete vue.js vue.js

Vuetify : throttle / debounce v-autocomplete

You could add debouncing to the function that makes the API calls. A debouncer could be implemented with setTimeout and clearTimeout, such that new calls are delayed and cancels any pending call:

methods: {  fetchEntriesDebounced() {    // cancel pending call    clearTimeout(this._timerId)    // delay new call 500ms    this._timerId = setTimeout(() => {      this.fetch()    }, 500)  }}

Such a method could be bound to a watcher on the search-input prop of v-autocomplete:

<template>  <v-autocomplete :search-input.sync="search" /></template><script>export default {  data() {    return {      search: null    }  },  watch: {    search (val) {      if (!val) {        return      }      this.fetchEntriesDebounced()    }  },  methods: { /* ... */ }}</script>


Thank you so much.It works.Here is my code (to geocode an adress) :

<v-autocomplete        ref="refCombobox"        v-model="adresseSelectionnee"        :items="items"        :loading="isLoading"        :search-input.sync="search"        no-filter        hide-details        hide-selected        item-text="full"        item-value="address"        placeholder="Où ?"        append-icon="search"        return-object        dense        solo        class="caption"        clearable        hide-no-data      ></v-autocomplete>watch: {    search(val) {      if (!val) {        return;      }      this.geocodeGoogle(val);    }  },methods: {    geocodeGoogle(val) {      // cancel pending call      clearTimeout(this._timerId);      this.isLoading = true;      // delay new call 500ms      this._timerId = setTimeout(() => {        const geocoder = new this.$google.maps.Geocoder();        geocoder.geocode({ address: val, region: "FR" }, (results, status) => {          if (status === "OK") {            this.adressesGoogle = results;            this.isLoading = false;          } else {                           this.isLoading = false;          }        });      }, 500);    },