vuetifyjs: Adding only used icons to build vuetifyjs: Adding only used icons to build vue.js vue.js

vuetifyjs: Adding only used icons to build

We recommend using @mdi/js where possible. This provides an ES Module which exports the SVG path of every icon in the icon set and supports treeshaking. You simply pass the icon string to an SVG path element or in this case you can pass it directly to v-icon if you specify the icon font in the Vuetify config: iconfont: 'mdiSvg'.


npm install @mdi/js


<template>  <v-icon>{{ mdiCheck }}</v-icon></template><script>  import { mdiCheck } from '@mdi/js'  export default {    data: () => ({      mdiCheck,    }),  }</script>

You can read more about integration with Vuetify here: