Watch route object on vue js Watch route object on vue js vue.js vue.js

Watch route object on vue js

Did you try deep option?

watch: {      '$': {        handler: function(search) {           console.log(search)        },        deep: true,        immediate: true      }}

In my code i did like the following -

watch:{    '$route' (to, from){        // Put your logic here...    }},

Don't watch for the $route object inside any other components. Because as the router link changes the component gets destroyed and new component is being mounted. So the watchers for the component gets destroyed.Watch for the $route object inside the root Vue instance where you inject the router object. like the following --

const app = new Vue({    router,    watch:{        '$route' (to, from){           // Code        }    }}).$mount('#element');

Simple use:

watch: {    "$"(value) {      //Your code here    }  }