Webpack build fails for IE (11) Webpack build fails for IE (11) vue.js vue.js

Webpack build fails for IE (11)

Since it is a custom webpack configuration and it is not clear there is any additional configuration to babel, try to add @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties plugin to babel-loader options for .vue files.

loaders: {  js: {    loader: 'babel-loader',    options: {      presets: ['@babel/preset-env'],      plugins: ['@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties']    }  },  sass: 'sass-loader'}

from the output it is confirmed that shorthand property is not getting transpiled

you are using the shorthand property of ES6 which is not supported on iE you need to configure the babel config so that it transpiled this into older version ( for more info about browser support visit this link)

to make your babel config compatible for ie use something like this in babelrc

{  "presets": [    ["env", {      "targets": {        "browsers": ["last 2 versions", "ie >= 11"]      },        "useBuiltIns": true    }],  ]}

if that dosen't work try changing you devtool config in webpack (for example eval to something else ) and check this thread of github