webpack configuration: remove hash from *.js entry/bundle files names webpack configuration: remove hash from *.js entry/bundle files names vue.js vue.js

webpack configuration: remove hash from *.js entry/bundle files names

After spending so long trying to understand how webpack-chain, webpack and its plugins works I found the easy "filenameHashing" falg in the vue documentation : https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#indexpath

Here is my vue.config.js file content:

// vue.config.jsconst CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');module.exports = {    filenameHashing: false, // <=================line that matters    chainWebpack: config => {        // add your custom entry point        config            .entry('background')            .add('./src/background.ts');    },    configureWebpack: {        plugins: [            new CopyWebpackPlugin([                { from: 'manifest.json', to: 'manifest.json', flatten: true },            ]),        ]    }}