Why is computed value not updated after vuex store update? Why is computed value not updated after vuex store update? vue.js vue.js

Why is computed value not updated after vuex store update?

It is due to this line:optboxes[index] = {...optboxes[index], printers: printers }.

You are directly setting item with index, which can't be observed by Vue

Try splicing the old item from array and pushing the new one.

You could do this:

Vue.set(optboxesList[index], 'printers', printers )

you need force update

setPrinters(optboxes, optboxId, printers) {    const index = this.getIndex(optboxes, optboxId);    const newVal = {...optboxes[index], printers: printers }    Vue.set(optboxes, index, newVal);},