A NuGet-aware find_package for CMake A NuGet-aware find_package for CMake windows windows

A NuGet-aware find_package for CMake

As a (somewhat filthy) workaround, I'm relying on the nuget cli tool being present and using

find_program(NUGET nuget)if(NOT NUGET)  message(FATAL "Cannot find nuget command line tool.\nInstall it with e.g. choco install nuget.commandline")else()  execute_process(COMMAND ${NUGET} install foolib)endif()

As of CMake 3.15, CMake now supports referencing Nuget packages with VS_PACKAGE_REFERENCES, without the need for the Nuget CLI, or hard-coding paths to references. To add a Nuget package reference to a CMake target, we can use the syntax <package-name>_<package-version>. Here is a simple example for the Nuget logging package Serilog version 2.9.0:

set_property(TARGET MyLibrary    PROPERTY VS_PACKAGE_REFERENCES "Serilog_2.9.0")

The linked documentation shows how you can add multiple Nuget packages by semicolon-delimiting ; the package arguments.