Are there any XSLT processing command line tools? [closed] Are there any XSLT processing command line tools? [closed] windows windows

Are there any XSLT processing command line tools? [closed]

If you are looking for an XSLT processor you can use Saxon:

You can see the command line options here:

Microsoft has a simple command line tool that wraps their XML Parser -

As @Mathias said though, it only supports XSL 1.0 while Saxon supports XSL 2.0.

To run the convertor you downloaded from the given URL run this command

msxsl.exe backEnd.xml inspectcode.xslt -o backEnd.html

This will tranform the xml file using the xslt file into the output file in html format

You can use AltovaXML XSLT 1.0/2.0 engine (also well-formedness and validity checking). There is free of charge community edition with direct (I mean without Java) command line interface e.g.:

AltovaXML.exe -xslt2 stylesheet.xsl -in input.xml -out output.xml

Check AltovaXML.chm help file for usage.