Authenticate from Linux to Windows SQL Server with pyodbc Authenticate from Linux to Windows SQL Server with pyodbc windows windows

Authenticate from Linux to Windows SQL Server with pyodbc

You must obtain a Kerberos ticket for this to work. Your example doesn't specify whether your Linux system is set up to authenticate via Kerberos or whether you have previously obtained a Kerberos ticket before your code hits your connection string.

If your Linux system is set up to authenticate via Kerberos, then as a proof of concept you can obtain a Kerberos ticket using kinit from the command line. Here's what works for me in python3 running in Ubuntu on Windows via the WSL. The python code:

#!/usr/bin/env python# minimal example using Kerberos authimport sysimport reimport pyodbcdriver='{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}'server = sys.argv[1]database = sys.argv[2]# trusted_connection uses kerberos ticket and ignores UID and PASSWORD in connection string#    cnxn = pyodbc.connect(driver=driver, server=server, database=database, trusted_connection='yes')    cursor = cnxn.cursor()except pyodbc.Error as ex:    msg = ex.args[1]    if'No Kerberos', msg):        print('You must login using kinit before using this script.')        exit(1)    else:        raise# Sample select querycursor.execute("SELECT @@version;")row = cursor.fetchone()while row:    print(row[0])    row = cursor.fetchone()print('success')

This tells you if you don't have a ticket. Since it uses a ticket you don't have to specify a user or password in the script. It will ignore both.

Now we run it:

user@localhost:~# kdestroy # make sure there are no active ticketskdestroy: No credentials cache found while destroying cacheuser@localhost:~# python mydatabaseYou must login using kinit before using this script.user@localhost:~# kinitPassword for user@DOMAIN.LOCAL:user@localhost:~# python mydatabaseMicrosoft SQL Server 2016 (SP2-GDR) (KB4505220) - 13.0.5101.9 (X64)        Jun 15 2019 23:15:58        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation        Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 10.0 <X64> (Build 14393: )successuser@localhost:~#

You may also have success obtaining a Kerberos ticket from python code that runs before you make this connection but that is beyond the scope of this answer. A search for python Kerberos modules might point you toward a solution.

It also appears possible to set up the Linux system so that as soon as a user logs in it automatically obtains a Kerberos ticket that can be passed to other processes. That is also outside of the scope of this answer but a search for automatic Kerberos ticket upon Linux login may yield some clues.

I ended up using the pymssql library which basically is pyodbc on top of the FreeTDS driver. It worked out of the box.

Weird how I had such a hard time discovering this library..

I find two ways for same task. I have MSSQL server with AD auth.

You can use JVM.Load and install JAVA Also install JPype1 version 0.6.3 pip install JPype==0.6.3. Version above 0.6.3 won't work correct

import jaydebeapiimport pandas as pddriver_name = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"connection_url="jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<server>:<port>/<database name>"connection_properties = {"domain": "<domain name>","user": "<username>","password": "<pwd>"}jar_path =  <path to jsds>"/jtds-1.3.1.jar"CONN = jaydebeapi.connect(driver_name, connection_url, connection_properties, jar_path)sql = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS"df = pd.read_sql(sql, CONN)

This version was too slow for me.

Also You can use pyodbc via FreeTDS. To create a FreeTDS connection Install FreeTDS on your Linux apt-get install tdsodbc freetds-bin, configure FreeTDS /etc/odbcinst.ini like this:


and turn it on odbcinst -i -d -f /etc/odbcinst.ini

After that, you can use pyodbc

import pandas as pdimport pyodbc    CONN =pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={FreeTDS};'                                  'Server=<server>;'                                  'Database=<database>;'                                  'UID=<domain name>\\<username>;'                                  'PWD=<password>;'                                  'TDS_Version=8.0;'                                  'Port=1433;')sql = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS"df = pd.read_sql(sql, CONN)

It's works much faster