autoreconf: command not found in Cygwin on Windows autoreconf: command not found in Cygwin on Windows windows windows

autoreconf: command not found in Cygwin on Windows

Try install autoconf, automake and libtool. It's under Devel of the Cygwin setup program.

To build MSYS tools, you should use the autotools provided in the MSYS System Builder package:

autoconf-2.61-MSYS-1.0.11-1.tar.bz2 automake-1.10-MSYS-1.0.11-1.tar.bz2 libtool1.5-1.5.25a-20070701-MSYS-1.0.11-1.tar.bz2

Unpack them to the same location you extracted msys package.

I think you have to first solve the errors, since they indicate that you are lacking of some of the essential libraries. For example, the autoconf library...

If you are using Cygwin, you can get apt-cyg by:

lynx -source > apt-cyginstall apt-cyg /bin

After that, you can use apt-cyg install xxx to install the lacking libraries.