aysncio cannot read stdin on Windows aysncio cannot read stdin on Windows windows windows

aysncio cannot read stdin on Windows

The NotImplementedError exception is raised because the connect pipes coroutines are not supported by the SelectorEventLoop, which is the default event loop set on asyncio. You need to use a ProactorEventLoop to support pipes on Windows. However, it would still not work because apparently the connect_read_pipe and connect_write_pipe functions doesn't support stdin/stdout/stderr or files in Windows as Python 3.5.1.

One way to read from stdin with an asynchronous behavior is using a thread with the loop's run_in_executor method. Here is a simple example for reference:

import asyncioimport sysasync def aio_readline(loop):    while True:        line = await loop.run_in_executor(None, sys.stdin.readline)        print('Got line:', line, end='')loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()loop.run_until_complete(aio_readline(loop))loop.close()

In the example the function sys.stdin.readline() is called within another thread by the loop.run_in_executor method. The thread remains blocked until stdin receives a linefeed, in the mean time the loop is free to execute others coroutines if they existed.